Write For Us

Guidelines effective March 5, 2022. Subject to change without notice.

Are you a dollar store shopper? Are you a writer interested in reviewing dollar store products?

We’re open to guest posts. Right now, we’re looking for posts from the following stores:

  • Dollar General
  • Dollar Tree
  • Family Dollar
  • Five Below

We primarily review private label products from those stores rather than name brands, although we do occasionally make exceptions.

This page is meant to explain our writing guidelines, submission guidelines, which you can find below.

(Note: we do not currently accept sponsored posts.)

Writing Guidelines

If you’re reading this, you probably have a good idea of our writing style, but we’ll briefly recap: we do reviews of dollar store products, including food and non-food items. On rare occasions, we also do other features, such as news items about specific stores or in-depth looks at store practices. That said, we tend to favor product reviews from guest posters. Our reviews typically run 400-1000 words and consist of a body review along with a verdict at the end.

Submission Guidelines

Before submitting, please make note of the following:

  • Submitting a product review is not a guarantee of publication. We advise anyone interested in guest posting to familiarize yourself with our style before posting, and to carefully proofread potential submissions. We are more likely to accept submissions that are polished and fit our post style. Also, be aware that we rarely publish reviews of products we’ve already reviewed unless the product has undergone a major overhaul since our last review.
  • If we plan to use your post we’ll let you know. We will contact you within 4 weeks of submission if we plan to use your post. If you don’t hear from us, assume we are not posting your review. Don’t take it personally if you don’t hear from us; this can be for any number of reasons, including someone else already being assigned to review the product in question.
  • Be ready to include at least two product photos. We generally prefer your own photo over stock photos. Also, we’re not professional food photographers, but try to take as simple and clean of a photo as you can. We are more likely to accept submissions with a decent photo.
  • We reserve the right to make editorial changes to submitted posts. We do this in order to bring them into line with our writing guidelines, although we try very hard to preserve each author’s opinion and voice. We may also crop or otherwise edit photos to make them fit our site.
  • Guest posters are credited with the post by first name and, if desired, a URL link. A guest post will include the guest poster’s first name at the top of the post and a brief bio at the bottom. We can also include a URL link embedded in the name to a blog or other online profile, although we reserve the right to accept or decline URL links that suggest a conflict of interest or otherwise conflicts with the vision for the site. We will contact guest posters with any URL concerns prior to a post going live.
  • We currently do not offer compensation for publication. While we’d like to at some point, right now we don’t, although you do get the glory of seeing your work on a website!

If you’re interested in writing for us, you can submit through our Submission Doc.

If you have further questions, you can also query us through our contact page.

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