Eatz Nacho Cheese Tortilla Chips (Family Dollar)
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In the 1960s, the Casa de Fritos restaurant at Disneyland in California started selling a snack food using surplus tortillas by cutting them up, frying them, and then adding seasoning. An executive from Frito-Lay took notice and worked out a deal to sell the chips regionally. Frito-Lay was overwhelmed by the demand, so the company moved production to a larger plant, and in 1966 they launched Doritos nationally.
They proved a massive hit, and today Doritos are one of the most recognizable snacks in America. The brand has since sold a number of other flavors, including the ever-popular Cool Ranch, but the original flavor also endures as a mainstay at cookouts and large gatherings.
A few companies have tried to copy the Doritos formula, with varying degrees of success. German supermarket Aldi, for example, sells its own knockoff Doritos. Family Dollar is another company that has tried its hand at the Dorito imitation game.
Eatz Nacho Cheese Tortilla Chips are exclusive to Family Dollar. They currently come in an 11-ounce bag and cost $2.45. That comes out to about 22 cents an ounce: more than, say, the Aldi version, but still considerably less than the 34-37 cents an ounce that Doritos cost.
These chips have your usual suspects of calories, fat, sodium, and carbs. They also contain monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is likewise found in Doritos. (Aldi chips do not contain MSG.) On the allergen front, the chips contain milk.

Our testers thought these were okay. They were crunchy enough, although one tester thought they were crunchier than a regular Dorito. Another tester thought they weren’t cheesy enough, although we were divided on that subject. They’re not bad, and these certainly would be eaten up in a family gathering, but they’re not exact copies of Doritos.
The Verdict:
Eatz Nacho Cheese Tortilla Chips are decent in a pinch if you need a cheaper Doritos substitute. They’re not exactly like Doritos — and there are other substitutes out there that are both better and cheaper — but they will fit the bill if you’re in a pinch and Family Dollar is your best option to pick up chips.